More pictures of this Suzuki GS550 Cafe Racer can be found here.
Chappell Customs
Welcome to Chappell Customs featuring the garage built motorcycles of the Chappell Brothers. We are Rob in Ontario, Canada and Chris in Los Angeles, California. Our goal isn’t to re-invent the wheel on each build but to create unique ride-able bikes with custom flair and extreme attention to detail.
Having been around motorcycles since the age of 5 and taking apart everything we could get our hands on, I guess you could say we were gear heads from birth (or damn close). Growing up on dirt bikes as kids to Hot Rods, street bikes and racing as we got older, we’ve been around motors and doing it ourselves for quite a long time. It’s become a little harder to build together over the last 12 years (when Chris moved to L.A.) but we make due with trips back and fourth, skype calls from the garage and tons of emails and phone calls.
While our day jobs are in the creative fields of both Film and TV Visual FX in LA, and Design and Advertising in Canada, our building and fabricating passion has never left us and we continue to build bikes in every bit of spare time we have available.
We’re glad you’ve taken the time to search us out on the internet, or stumbled upon our website from some other source. The builds within represent countless hours in the garages of the U.S. and Canada – we hope you enjoy the bikes as much as we enjoyed making them. Watch for them on the streets of a neighborhood near you.
Go check out their Facebook Page here.
Go check out their Website here.
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